Thursday, January 15, 2009

Four month visit

All started off well. I got Gabe in for his 4 month "well" visit the same day Ella had her 6 year old "well" visit. It was uneventful - you know, coloring in the lobby (Ella, not Gabe), Ella was weighed, had her eyes checked, ears checked - then the wheels fell off. Ella started crying, Gabe started crying and Dr. Keith came in. A flashlight and about 5 minutes revealed Gabe had an ear infection and Ella had strep throat! So much for being well. The stats for 4 months are: weight 13lbs 3 ounces (15%); height 25 3/4 inches (77%); head circumference 16 (12%). The magic paper says we can start him on cereal and DO NOT leave baby unattended on a bed, couch or around water...too late, he fell off the bed on Tuesday.

1 comment:

Collette said...

An old wives tale is that if your baby falls off the bed before they are a year old, they will live to be old and gray!! Congratulations! :)