Tuesday, March 31, 2009

6 months old (on March 10)

The "ready" position!

Gabe had his 6 month appointment on the 13th here are his stats:

Ok, well, I will have to post his "stats" later as I shredded the sheet yesterday before I put them in :)...the life of a third child! or the life of a mom with three kids?

What he is doing now:

Finally starting to go to bed with the big kids. He is easy to go to bed just like Jude and Ella were. He likes his paci, a blanket and his sound machine. He can to go to bed anywhere but does prefer to lay in a bed instead of being held to sleep. He loves his family, of course, and lights up when Ella gets in the car from school or when Jude is in the room. He can get in the crawl position but can move forward yet...we are working on that!

1 comment:

Joni said...

What a big boy. The only way to hold onto the baby stage is to have more!