Monday, September 29, 2008

This past week in pictures

Our friends Michelle and Derek from Harding came to see us! Hannah, Ben and Eve did not get to make the trip but we were glad to see Michelle and Derek - thanks for taking the time to come visit us!
Hanging out
Uncle Joe and Carla came to visit
and brought a football for Gabe

still loves to hold him
"resting" his eyes
Big Helper
Jude posing with Gabe
tired momma - the kids think it is funny that I carry his paci backwards in my mouth - now that I see does look funny.

Since right now Gabe is not a bundle of activity (soon to change), it is easier to post pictures once a week. Here is what we did this week - besides change diapers, feed Gabe, do laundry, fix dinner, go to school - you know the regular stuff!


Owings Family said...

Eli will be 6 months this week and I still don't fix dinner! You're doing great!!!

Jana Thomas said...

I hold Jacey's paci backwards in my mouth, too, but I don't think Brooks has noticed. He just wants one so he can pretend to be a baby, too.